US President
Beginning on January 20th,2025 we will have a major shift into what is just over 50% of the country's choice.
How will we position ourselves to be inclusive?
Can we progressively shift the rest of the country so the next election will be between candidates on the same side of the political ideology but just one is a better communicator and leader?
So called, "Pro-Life" vs. "Pro-Choice"
Have you ever read the Supreme Court ruling overturning "Roe vs Wade?" The link is below. You will notice the ruling was based on a lack of support for abortion in the constitution. It pushed abortion laws back to the states. The ruling did not outlaw abortion.
"Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization"
I believe Trump's stand on abortion is as follows: Given a lack of moral clarity in America, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and The Amendments provides a framework to help us navigate through the debate as a country. We will eventually settle into a majority on one side of the issue. For now, laws can be unique within at each State and allow the issue to evolve peacefully and according to God's Timing. Notwithstanding the consequences of Karma.
If we don't like our State's Law on abortion, we can inconvenience ourselves or passively live with it.
We can move to another state more congruent with our views.
Or we can loving work to change the hearts of the differing majority in our state.
I personally know women who believe one day abortion will be like slavery: a past practice.
I believe Donald Trump and his wife Melania realize fellow Republicans do not all agree on the issue. Some have been taught by Church Clergy that ending the life of an unborn child is 1st degree murder. Some only believe society has lost spiritual truth on what happens in the womb after conception. Those who believe differently have an ultimate challenge to love unconditionally. To patiently pray for a change of heart in others.
It behooves us to live our lives as an example of tolerance and compassion. Let our example, and let prayer be the doer to transcend the Golden Rule into action.
I ask myself how a holy one would change hearts. I have plenty of examples to draw from. A few examples might be: Gandhi, Mohammad, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Mother Teresa, Milarepa.
Texas State Law Clarification
I am very disappointed with the dishonesty in election advertising. This following article highlights the lies told over the current election cycle. Please read this article if you've been concerned about the anti-abortion state law in Texas: